Monday 18 October 2010

No 1:

Ole Bruce/2010

Born in Australia (obviously) from good Dingo stock, his farther was a honest to god Queens Land Bulls Supporter so, therefore, He became one himself. 
But his true love of life came to gadgets and technical thingy-me-gigs! His first known tampering of machines were with the family TV, but that was cut short due to the Television malfunctioning while the Game was on, thus leading him grounded to his room and a smacked bottom! When he was older, he had good job prospects as an engineer, designing all types of useful machines, mostly for the army (typical). 
But one day a horrific accident changed his life. To this day, no-one really knows how it happened. Some say it was a collision with a battle-tank, others say it was nuclear related... Whatever it was, half his body was torn away and parts of his skull and brain was damaged beyond repair. The only way to save him was for his destroyed half to be converted to a exo-skeleton cyber body and surgeons would work on his head to produce a futuristic style Micro-chip with perfect intelligence in the damaged  brain part to keep him alive. 
With his robotic know how, using his computer like encoding to connect to machines using his finger plug-ins (yeah, that sounds sordid enough), He can control cars to fighter jets, from robots to WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION! 
Now, the new era has come, along with cyberspace. Hackers and perverts look up to him as a hero as he can gain access to your personnel files, steal your on-line credit, browse through Pentagon dogma, steal stock exchange secrets and spy on the President! His control of all things mechanical and software related has made him a fitting candidate for the Council of 9.
Favourite Line: "Those Victorian Bushrangers, Wankers they are!"