This silver furred Greyhound, So slim and meek, has met with tragedy upon tragedy. Her new born brothers and sisters died one by one in the hands of human cruelty. Her Mother died of starvation within the year. And for nearly all of her life, up until now, has lived it rough as an orphan and a street dog. And within that time she's been kicked, beaten up by gangs, robbed, raped, nearly run over, stabbed 2 times, burned with scalding water, and shot at a few times. This would be what she had to endure for the rest of her life were it not for one thing she had met in her life..... (wait for it).... God!
And so, unmovable faith and true believing devotion has kept her surviving through these dark times, with her cross that she clings onto like a leech. But she never blames, criticises, or lashes out with hate at her tormentors, no, her heart is too pure, too unshakable, though fragile like a broken doll. Kick her in the stomach, and she'll merely say thank you in her scared little voice (if you think that's gut-wrenching, you should watch the BBC drama "The unloved" or the latest one "slave", whichever you prefer.
Cruelly hurt her, and she'll just shrug her shoulders and ask for more. Make her life a living hell, and she'll block out all hell from her soul, for (as she puts it) "if a man puts out your eye, do not take out his in return, instead offer up to him your other eye." Do unto others what you do yourself." Which means to her, never let evil be your guide. She will however give you a decent blowjob on you if you persuade her enough times.
But then something happened, because of her unchanging belief, a light shone upon her one day, and angels came down to give her a reward, to become An Agent of God. Now, everytime that evil people try to harm her or shoot her dead, an unbreakable shield of true Love and Protection will bounce back against that evil, and melt all tormentors like acid. She is practically invincible to all harmful substances, even bombs. And as long as she remains good, pure and true to herself as well as unhateful, no evil will harm her ever again. She even has the ability to bring people/animals back from the dead with just a simple touch (just like Jesus Christ). And if she practically cares for any she wishes to save, her Godly protection will extend itself and protect those she cherishes herself. And so, for those reasons, she has a place with the Council of 9 as well as a place next to Maladon.
Favourite Line: "Who are we to hate in the name of God, Who are we to tread on his toes."